For the last couple years I've been working with Friendbuy, a referral marketing company. If you've ever been on a website and have seen the 'refer-a-friend' feature, it's most likely friendbuy. They came to me in need of help with a brand refresh and overhaul on their website. We started off with an exploration of visual style and colors. After a few rounds of exploration, we landed on this color palette and style of iconography. Bright blue is their primary color with greens and dark blue as secondary colors. The accent colors are used sparingly in small details.

After the color and style exploration was complete, we worked graphics for their website. They previously used a lot of stock photos and wanted to get away from that look. Working with their UX lead, I conceptualized and created all of the graphics and iconography on the site.

A design refresh was also implemented for all of their blog posts. They used to use stock photos for each blog post hero image. Instead, we created custom imagery to correlate with each blog article.